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Brown Contour

Brown Contour

Regular price $17.00
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A way to change your facial structure without surgery! Sculpt your cheek bones, narrow your nose or hollow the jaw line to name a few, the secret is “Brown contour powder”.

Start with your index finger at the middle of your ear on face feel your natural bone structure patting under bone coming from ear to mouth. Now take a contour brush and lightly start at ear applying a small amount of contour pushing under bone and upward. Continue until you get the sculpted look you want. Then take foundation brush and lightly blend to define the jaw line or hide a double chin. Then take contour brush and add contour powder from ear right under your chin (do not put on top of your jaw bone). To make double chin disappear apply under chin coming down neck in a triangle. With the point going down neck. Then blend with foundation brush. To make the nose look smaller and more defined or to straighten apply contour to sides of nose and then blend. If done correctly you will see an unbelievable difference in your facial structure. May be used anywhere on body to crate the illusion you wish! A make-up artist must have!

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